Midnight moonlight shining through the curtain lace
Paints a perfect picture on your perfect face

One sweet angel sleepin’ in my arms
You are the promise I knew God would keep
You are the gift that makes my world complete

And you’ll never know how much I love you
But I’ll keep on tellin’ you my whole life through

Now I believe in miracles and you’re the reason why
So dream on while I sing you, my angels lullaby

June 23, 2007

Went to a Graduation Party today!

Today we went to a High School Graduation Party for Sarah and Blake. They are friends of mommy's from before she met daddy. My how they have grown up. We saw Little Tom - who is Sarah's brother. Little Tom is now 12 years old and very tall - as is his sister Sarah.
Mommy knew them when she lived in Seattle - they were neighbors and they all became really good friends. It's been awhile since we have seen Sarah and Tom and their family. It was REALLY nice to see them again.
We will need to get together with them again, soon!
Congratulations Sarah and Blake!!

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