Today our little boy is 2 months old.
We went and had an Echocardiogram done first - Ethan seemed to do very well, but the doctor said that he was to wiggly to get a really clear picture of his heart. The doctor said tho the Right Ventricle did look smaller and seems to be shrinking down to the size it needs to be.
Ethan also had an Electrocardiogram done and the doctor said that still looked a little abnormal (whatever that means) - and we need to go back in when Ethan is 6 months old for another follow-up. He could also hear a bit of a heart murmur. From what I understand all this should clear up on its own as Ethan grows up. That's why the follow-up in 4 months.
Ethan now weighs 11 lbs 14 oz and is 23.5 inches long. He is growing like a weed!
I started taking some videos of Ethan talking and cooing - I will try and figure out how to post that and get it here soon! I watched a video of him from when Grandma and Grandpa Youngerman were here - and Oh My! How tiny he was. I decided right then that we need to take more pictures and start taking more video of him.
Ethan has his BabyWell visit with the pediatrician next monday. He'll be getting a whole bunch of shots - so I'm taking Tom along to help out...although I think I want him to go more for me than for Ethan...I hear that visit is really tough on the mommy's!
Well, that's it for now! Hope everyone is enjoying this early heat wave across the country. I don't think it was below 80 degrees anywhere in the U.S. today! It was 82 here!
TTFN! (ta ta for now)