Midnight moonlight shining through the curtain lace
Paints a perfect picture on your perfect face

One sweet angel sleepin’ in my arms
You are the promise I knew God would keep
You are the gift that makes my world complete

And you’ll never know how much I love you
But I’ll keep on tellin’ you my whole life through

Now I believe in miracles and you’re the reason why
So dream on while I sing you, my angels lullaby

May 30, 2007

1 month check-up

Well, today was Ethan's 1 month check-up and everything looks great!!

Ethan now weighs 10 lbs 5 oz - he is 22 inches long. He also got a shot - OUCH!!! He did not like that at all...brought tears to my eyes. Poor baby boy!

Our next doctor's appointments are the end of June - we have our follow up echo-cardiogram scheduled as well as our next well-baby visit.

Our baby boy is growing so fast!! He is actually 5 weeks old today!

Ethan seems to sleep very well in the boppy that we have - so, the doctor said as long as we aren't too far away from him during his nap, he can go ahead and sleep in that until he either can tolerate sleeping on his back or he is older.

Well, that's all I have for today. We need to take more pictures - I will post as soon as we have them!

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