December 25, 2007
December 21, 2007
Tom's First Week at New Job...
Well, Tom 'passed' his background check and is now an 'official' employee of Exelon. He got his id badge and personalized hard hat!
He now has a 4 day weekend to rest and relax. He met a guy at work who enjoys football and xbox who is also by himself for the holidays to they are going to hang out and be bachelors this weekend.
Ethan and Mommy sent Tom some goodies to get him through the Holiday weekend and also a little Christmas Tree to cheer up Tom's room.
Ethan and Mommy miss Daddy very much and we are very sad to be spending the holiday apart!
Hope everyone has a Merry ChristmaHanuKwanza ~~ Happy Holidays!! =)
He now has a 4 day weekend to rest and relax. He met a guy at work who enjoys football and xbox who is also by himself for the holidays to they are going to hang out and be bachelors this weekend.
Ethan and Mommy sent Tom some goodies to get him through the Holiday weekend and also a little Christmas Tree to cheer up Tom's room.
Ethan and Mommy miss Daddy very much and we are very sad to be spending the holiday apart!
Hope everyone has a Merry ChristmaHanuKwanza ~~ Happy Holidays!! =)
December 11, 2007
Early Christmas for Ethan
November 25, 2007
Ethan is 7 months old today!
I can't belive this little bundle of joy is 7 months old!
He is the best baby in the whole wide world!! We have been blessed with a super baby!
We are busy packing up the house - so that's our priority at the moment. I should have time next week to post some new pictures once we are settled at mt mom's house!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
He is the best baby in the whole wide world!! We have been blessed with a super baby!
We are busy packing up the house - so that's our priority at the moment. I should have time next week to post some new pictures once we are settled at mt mom's house!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
November 14, 2007
Moving On

In case you haven't heard yet, we are relocating to the Pottstown,Pa area. I accepted a job working for the Exelon Corp. at their Limerick nuclear generating station. The job starts December 17th. Fortunately, we were able to sell our current home without ever putting it on the market. A neighbor is buying it as an investment property. Tracey and Ethan won't come to PA until January sometime, so hopefully I can find a house for us to buy.
Ethan is a big boy now. At his 6 month checkup he was 27 inches and 18lbs. He's in the 80th percentile for height now! We were at Target the other night and ran into a couple that had a 13 month old girl, we stood them next to one another and they were the same height and size!!!!
October 25, 2007
Ethan is 6 months old today!
WOW! It's been a long time since I've posted anything.
Things around here are quite busy.....My little peanut is waking from his nap at the moment - so as soon as I have another 2 minutes - I will update with pictures and what's been going on around here!
Sorry it's been awhile!!! Check back soon.....I hope I have something posted by then!
Things around here are quite busy.....My little peanut is waking from his nap at the moment - so as soon as I have another 2 minutes - I will update with pictures and what's been going on around here!
Sorry it's been awhile!!! Check back soon.....I hope I have something posted by then!
September 25, 2007
5 months old today!
Not much going on these past few weeks. Trying to get my back to a place where I feel comfortable again. I have a feeling - until Ethan is older, it might be awhile.
Other than that just gearing up for Grandma Shirley's visit next week! Yeah!
I have tons of new pictures to add to the Enjoy!
September 19, 2007
September 18, 2007
September 14, 2007
Horrible Week for Mommy!
Well, the title of today's post doesn't even begin to tell you how bad my week has been. To start off - I caught Tom and Ethan's cold. Probably worse than both of them combined, in my opinion =) But we went to the grocery store on Monday and as I reached and twisted for that loaf of bread *SNAP* went something in my lower back.
The pain got progressively worse as the day went on and by Tuesday - I could not move. I told Tom...this pain is so bad, makes the c-section recovery feel like a walk in the park. It hurt like a *%#&^@( *% ^#@&)*(@ <------ insert ALL expletives here!
So Tom stayed home from work Tuesday and Wednesday as I couldn't even hold Ethan. So, Daddy was on 24 hour duty. I still can't lift Ethan...which breaks my heart. I sure missed him, and Tom while I was flat out.
Today I feel better - not 100% - but I can at least feed and hold Ethan now. I still can't lift him but I am improving. Needless to say that cold I had...went away =)
I still have pictures to post - I will get to those probably this weekend. Our little boy is growing up so dang fast. He now holds on to your shoulder or wraps his arms around your neck while you are carrying him. He's very interested in what you are eating now - and gets mad if you don't *share*. I think I might try the cereal again next week and see how he does.
He seems to be sleeping better at night....but I haven't been on night duty in a few days, so not really sure. But he is just the sweetest baby to be around - and I'm not just saying that =) He is really easy going and takes most everything in stride and just rolls with it....
Well, I'm gonna close for now as Ethan is napping and I'd like to get a few more things done before he wakes up. I haven't been able to do anything around the house and daddy's priority ahs been Ethan - so the house needs a little attention.
Hope everyone is doing well...the weather is about to take a turn around here - Thank Goodness! I'm ready for fall and winter. TTFN!
The pain got progressively worse as the day went on and by Tuesday - I could not move. I told Tom...this pain is so bad, makes the c-section recovery feel like a walk in the park. It hurt like a *%#&^@( *% ^#@&)*(@ <------ insert ALL expletives here!
So Tom stayed home from work Tuesday and Wednesday as I couldn't even hold Ethan. So, Daddy was on 24 hour duty. I still can't lift Ethan...which breaks my heart. I sure missed him, and Tom while I was flat out.
Today I feel better - not 100% - but I can at least feed and hold Ethan now. I still can't lift him but I am improving. Needless to say that cold I had...went away =)
I still have pictures to post - I will get to those probably this weekend. Our little boy is growing up so dang fast. He now holds on to your shoulder or wraps his arms around your neck while you are carrying him. He's very interested in what you are eating now - and gets mad if you don't *share*. I think I might try the cereal again next week and see how he does.
He seems to be sleeping better at night....but I haven't been on night duty in a few days, so not really sure. But he is just the sweetest baby to be around - and I'm not just saying that =) He is really easy going and takes most everything in stride and just rolls with it....
Well, I'm gonna close for now as Ethan is napping and I'd like to get a few more things done before he wakes up. I haven't been able to do anything around the house and daddy's priority ahs been Ethan - so the house needs a little attention.
Hope everyone is doing well...the weather is about to take a turn around here - Thank Goodness! I'm ready for fall and winter. TTFN!
September 9, 2007
Happy GrandParents Day!!!
Today is Grandparents day - for those of you who keep track =)
Ethan is just getting over his first cold. I'm sure he caught it from daddy - as now mommy has caught it from Ethan! It's so hard to watch him with the snuffy/runny nose - as he can't *blow* or he threw up a couple times but it was all mucus (sorry....TMI!) I think he was gagging. At least he got rid of it.
The doctor's office told us to have him sleep in his car seat in his crib so that the mucus runs down....and doesn't run into his lungs. The first day or so he didn't have an appetite which they were a little concerned about him getting dehydrated - but that didn't last long. He's been eating fine - just runny nose and some coughing.
We were supposed to go the Seahawks game today - but because he wasn't feeling well, daddy went with a friend - and mommy and Ethan stayed home. Good thing though - now I don't feel good =(

The Seahawks game should be alot of fun - whether they win or lose - as this is the first home game of the a lot of extra things going on and hopefully some good giveaways...which I have already put dibs on =) Hopefully, we'll be able to get to another one this year - but Grandma Jane doesn't give those tickets away too easily.
Mommy and Ethan went to a Baby Shower yesterday - one of my employee's (ex-employees...since she's having a baby) is having a baby girl...I have to say Ethan was very well behaved! I am so proud of him! It was good to get out and nice to see some friends and meet some new people. Seeing all that pink....makes me think about trying for a girl. Not anytime in the NEAR future - but maybe in the future!
That's about it from our part of the world....Hope everyone is doing well!
(I've got pictures....but daddy has the camera at the I'll post some soon)
Ethan is just getting over his first cold. I'm sure he caught it from daddy - as now mommy has caught it from Ethan! It's so hard to watch him with the snuffy/runny nose - as he can't *blow* or he threw up a couple times but it was all mucus (sorry....TMI!) I think he was gagging. At least he got rid of it.
The doctor's office told us to have him sleep in his car seat in his crib so that the mucus runs down....and doesn't run into his lungs. The first day or so he didn't have an appetite which they were a little concerned about him getting dehydrated - but that didn't last long. He's been eating fine - just runny nose and some coughing.
Mommy and Ethan went to a Baby Shower yesterday - one of my employee's (ex-employees...since she's having a baby) is having a baby girl...I have to say Ethan was very well behaved! I am so proud of him! It was good to get out and nice to see some friends and meet some new people. Seeing all that pink....makes me think about trying for a girl. Not anytime in the NEAR future - but maybe in the future!
That's about it from our part of the world....Hope everyone is doing well!
(I've got pictures....but daddy has the camera at the I'll post some soon)
August 27, 2007
Doctor visit today...
He of course had to have 4 shots - 2 in each leg. CRIES like the dickens while the shots are being given, but as soon as mommy picks him up - he's all better! I think he is braver when it comes to shots than mommy is!!!
Ethan now weighs 15 lbs 10.5 oz - is 26 inches long and his head is 42 cm. He is in the 75-90% in both height and weight!
We have a big boy on our hands! Daddy's hasn't been feeling well the past few days - I hope mommy and Ethan don't get sick...Yuck! We think he is on the mend...let's hope he gets better soon!
Grandma Youngerman is coming to visit the first part of October - Yeah! She is going to be sooo surprised at how big her little Ethan is now!
Well, that's about it for now....The end of summer is approaching... enjoy it while you still can!
August 25, 2007
4 Months Old Today....WOW!
We've started him on rice cereal this past week or so; and he is getting better and better at it. I try and make him laugh so it's easier to get the spoon in his mouth. Less and less is being spit back out at me. =)
We went to the park yesterday with our friends, Dawn and Ena. The park is also a little beach on Lake Stevens, which is near where we live. Ethan did great in the water. A couple boats went by and created some pretty big waves....for a lake - and got his diaper booty all wet. He had a great time! Then we took a time out in the shade, had a bottle and did a little relaxing! The first time Ethan was in a was fun!
August 22, 2007
As you can see - Football Season is underway....Daddy has been teaching Ethan aaallll about it! Go Seahawks!
Enjoy the latest pictures! Take Care~
August 18, 2007
He is doing much better now - our next hurdle is to get Ethan to sleep in his crib. He had been sleeping in a little bassinet attachment to the we moved the crib into our bedroom and have been trying to get him to sleep in far, I think he's only slept in it twice. He really enjoys sleeping between mommy and daddy - but the thing is mommy and daddy don't sleep very well.
We gave him his first bath without the little plastic tub last night - WOW did he sure have fun in the water. Daddy held his head and mommy washed. Then we let him kick and splash! I think we may have a little fish on our hands....these are our 'censored' pictures!!
By the way - this toy that Ethan is playing with (the yellow, red and blue circular one) was Tom's when he was a baby....It's one of Ethan's favorites!!!
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