Midnight moonlight shining through the curtain lace
Paints a perfect picture on your perfect face

One sweet angel sleepin’ in my arms
You are the promise I knew God would keep
You are the gift that makes my world complete

And you’ll never know how much I love you
But I’ll keep on tellin’ you my whole life through

Now I believe in miracles and you’re the reason why
So dream on while I sing you, my angels lullaby

April 11, 2007

No Baby Yet!!

Well, I went to my appointment on the 6th and no progress had been made, although baby's head is waaaayyy down. My doctor informed me that a C-Section might be an option if things didn't progress 'down there' naturally or even with medication. She absolutely will not let me go past my due date...and depending upon who you talk to at the hospital - that's either April 20th or April 24th. So, somewhere in there Ethan will be born, whether he is ready or not.

Of course my doctor would love to see the baby come on his own, but sometimes they need a little encouragement!! I'm prepared to serve him his eviction papers NOW! =)

I will know more this friday at my next appointment. Hopefully things are progressing a bit. I have my good days and my bad days. Yesterday was a good day - I got some chores done around the house. Today, so far, just not feeling that great. So, I will be cuddling with Kona and Archie. They do a wonderful job of taking care of me - as, of course, does Tom.

We are both very anxious now. I believe we have all the 'supplies' - we just need the baby!!

Well, I will write again when I know more. Keep checking back!

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